Sunday, February 6, 2011

Things I Do/Do Not Know

Things I Know...
-Love is unconditional.
-It feels worse to hurt someone than it does to be hurting.
-A child's love is unconditional, and a Mother's love for her child cannot be contained or described by any measure.
-Happy times can occur even when you're sad.
-Forgiveness is an act of picking up your pride, and trying again.
-Life is what you make it.
-There is nothing better than cheesecake.
-I am a good Mom.
-I have a wonderful family, and I need them in order to breathe.
Things I Do Not Know...
-How to express myself when not through writing.
-Where I will be in a year.
-Why my world turned upside down and right side up at the same time.
-Why it is humanly impossible for me to stay awake through a movie.
-The heartache that others feel.
-All of life's answers.
Peace and Love, J


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